Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why couldn't I get the boobs?

I think that I'm fairly bright. Not gifted, but able to learn things quickly. I was always a teacher pleaser and thrived off praise and grades. I'm not proud. Its who I am.

Here is the flip side. I'm really dingy. I reinforce that damned dumb blonde reputation on a daily basis. And when I do it in a public way or around people who don't love me I just hate it. I want to scream, "But I'm smart! Really! I have an MBA and I graduated seventh out of seventy on full scholarship and I was drunk at least three nights of each week of that program!" But again with that stereotype - that comment wouldn't help. I used to have no filter. In my brain, then *insert sound effect* out my mouth. My husband has helped me with that. Sometimes with a kind reminder that I should pause before I speak and sometimes with a look on his face that says, "I can't believe I am married to this dumbass for eternity." Both methods do the trick.

The point of my post: I had a dingbat moment tonight, and no one to tell. I was playing solitaire on the computer after putting the kids to sleep (see how smart I am? I could have been watching t.v. or cleaning my kitchen) and it was one of those games where all signs pointed to me winning and having that kick-ass graphic with the cards falling down and leaving little visual echos. *sigh* Anyway, all my aces were up top, all my kings were down bottom, and I was cookin with bacon and then it happened - I was stuck. All because of one card that I couldn't get to for it to all work. Keep in mind this was on the computer. And in my frustration and grasping for straws as to why smart me couldn't win, I actually thought for a second that........................

the kids must have been playing with the deck and some of the cards must have gotten lost.

I'm not proud. Its who I am.


carrie pearson said...

I so think those things sometimes! It is the kids fault - they suck our brain cells during their gestation, and those don't grow back!

Heather said...

haha I love you still even with your blond moments. Except I don't think it's a blond thing as much as a mom thing. I have them too, and I know I'm not blond ;)

Karen said...

I love reading your blog...I used to have a filter ...BUT after 40 (and I am into another decade now, my mother and my southern 'bless your heart' roots are coming out loud and clear) who needs it?