Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Come what may

It's been a while since my first post. My husband told me I needed to "tone it down" a little bit. He even broke out his manager voice and tried to "handle me". I can tell when he is doing that.

Maybe people would think I'm a whack job with all of my repressed angst and colorful language and such. These are all points that he made. I got pissy and then I simmered down to think about it. I came to the conclusion that he's right (not a conclusion I arrive at easily, I might add). People might think I'm a bit off. People might find me unladylike. People might decide not to like me.

All of those people can go fuck themselves:)


carrie pearson said...

Amen Sista!

Jennifer said...

Wow...a reader! You found me. Please disregard my profanities. I'll tone it down now.

Heather said...

Look at you with your blog now. When were you going to tell me you started blogging????

Jennifer said...

Just like I lurk, I was hiding:)