Monday, December 8, 2008

Cool guy

It is out of the bag. President-elect Obama, our fearless leader is still smoking. He says he quit but occasionally falls off the wagon. His doctors said he is healthy and can run three miles. He was seen with nicorette gum on the campaign trail. He said he WILL NOT smoke in the White House. This has really made news. People seem to care about this. Not the willingness to kill the unborn, or all of the other stuff that makes me nervous about our fearless leader. People care about whether or not he is sneaking off and smoking a cigaratte occasionally. Hmmmm.

Here is the shocker. I love it. It is endearing. It actually makes me like him more. In a world where the President Clinton not only smoked cigars but got a blowjob in the whitehouse (I can't resist the term "getting his pole smoked" hee) the American public is worried about Obama dealing with the crap he has to deal with and not taking a smoke break? That's hysterical. Obviously the guy can handle smoking in moderation. Yeah yeah, its bad for you. So is fattening food, and too much sleep. Anything is bad if you are a moron.

So back to Obama. It makes him cool. You know it does.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Well, I don't think it makes him cooler. But I do find it ironic that it's making such big news. Yeah, why don't people seem to care more about the issues that REALLY seem to matter. Whatever!