Friday, February 13, 2009

Dan Brown and Basketball

In the interest of using this blog to vent about things that bug me, I ask, why is Angels and Demons being marketed as a sequel to the DaVinci Code? It is not. It is a prequel. Does Ron Howard think that no one will notice? Does Dan Brown care? Or is he so happy that another one of his fictional accounts of the Church and its workings is being plastered all over the big screen because people are too lazy to read the book. Just put them in the right order! The whole world was able to figure out the prequel concept with the Star Wars franchise. It is possible. And if you follow Lost on television you are well ahead of the game. This bugs me. And yes I read both, and yes, I think they are fiction. And yes, I thought they were page turners and enjoyed reading. And yes, I will go see the darn movie too. I liked this book much better.

Other things that oldest is into basketball and had a big game the other night where the opposing team were foul happy. And fouling on purpose, and tripping our team's players on purpose! And I don't get real involved in the yelling and cheering etc. In fact, I don't say very much because I don't know enough about the game to say much anyway, other than "Woo hoo!" when mine makes a point, or basket, or whatever (see what I mean?). Furthermore, I've talked with my boy about it and he appreciates the silent support and happy face in the crowd. So back to the tripping. This number two on the other team was tripping. More than once. And the other team cheered. And then he tripped my boy. And Mamma tiger came out. I wanted to take the kid out. I stayed silent and supportive and the referee handled, and all was well. I was just amused to observe that I got so enraged at that other child for a half a second. Motherhood is interesting. Glad its passed. Oh, and if by some strange and weird occurence the Mother of that number two were to read this crazy blog, I am so truly sorry.....

that your kid is a little jerk.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Darn jerky kids. You want to take down the kid and their parents! I totally hear you. As far as the movie, I'm mad at Tom Hanks for his ugly comment he made about Mormons and then his lame apology. I won't see it just to show him. Like one ticket will matter, but still-take that!