Monday, April 6, 2009

Hunkering Down

Wow. It has been a long dry stretch since posting anything. I've had lots of "blog-worthy" moments that I start writing up in my head, but never get around to posting because they are all so negative. That's all I have right now: things that piss me off. And as much as this blog was supposed to be a release for those feelings and irritations, I just haven't wanted to give life to that lately. Maybe its the lenten season making me want to be more positive. Perhaps I'm afraid that if I indulge the dark underbelly of my bubbly personality right about now, I may not be able to dig myself back up to the light. Or maybe all this piss-offedness that I'm keeping bottled up will send me over the edge and you will read about me in the news! "Crazy suburban Momma goes postal in Kroger - details at 11!"

We'll have to wait and see.


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