Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Two baby birds (fledglings, we have now learned) were on the ground around our house in the past few days. We have googled and learned lots about how cardinals train their young. We have watched the Mom and the Dad hover around their young and feed them. One fledgling was fully feathered and could fly short bursts. One had a bloody forehead, wasn't so feathered, and didn't look so far along. I was warned repeatedly since Sunday afternoon not to let Midnight (the cat) out. He has been cooped up and miserable. Last night, we had dinner on the back patio and watched the baby bird and parents. Midnight got out with all of the coming and going and was content to sit under the table with us and ignore the bird happenings.

Or so I thought.

Fast forward to this morning. I'm up, let the dog out, checked for the babies, couldn't find them (they flew the coop, I thought!) and made lunches with the sounds of the outdoors to enjoy. Midnight was happily resting on the bar stool.

Or so I thought.

Jordan came down, and began his breakfast. I was unloading the dishwasher when my spidey senses started tingling. "Where is the cat?" I thought. I looked and the cat was walking into the kitchen with A BABY BIRD IN HIS MOUTH!"


Oh, no he didn't...


And then it began. I rescued the bird from his mouth. Prodded him. It seemed ok? He was flapping and flipping. I placed him back by the tree (put the cat in the laundry room) and we watched. The Mom and Dad came around, but wouldn't feed him. He sat there.

Lots of tears. Jordan is so angry at me and the cat. Its all my fault. I tried to go with the whole "circle of life" speech. Jordan reminded me that Midnight is well fed. Yep, he got me there.

It is now almost three hours later. The Mom and Dad haven't fed him, he is down on his side, won't get up and just moves every now and then. I don't think he is long for this world.

And it's all my fault.

Update: time of death: 11:30 am. RIP little guy.


Hayley said...

yeah, that does suck. poor little birdy. it's not like you wanted the bird to get hurt... you thought the cat was fine. there really is the circle of life or instincts, i guess... don't be too hard on yourself.

Holly O. said...

I'm so sorry!!! That wasn't your fault though. Really, it wasn't. The cat was working on instincts. But it is so so sad.

Heather said...

Oh no. See THAT's why I hate cats. Tell Jordan I don't blame you, but it's all the cat's fault. He has every right to be mad at the cat. I kid. Total circle of life. But poor birdy.

Snakeeater said...

We have a Labrador retriever that might--just might--lick you to death. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body. If a burglar broke in she'd hold his bag for him.

Two summers ago I found a tiny bunny which had a couple of bite marks on it. It hadn't been mauled, just hit once. I put it in a box with food and water, but it expired.

I have no proof, but I'm convinced that the dog hit it, just once, thinking it was a play toy.

We have no cats--I got married instead. But I happen to like cats. There was a movie years ago called "Ffolkes". The protagonist is an eccentric millionaire and one of his lines is "I like cats, and I don't like people who don't".